NFTN Links

On this page we collect good links to websites about or with Field Trials.

You are welcome to have a link recorded on the page by sending it to with the information:

  • Name of website
  • URL
  • Maximum 200 characters about the website, and why you find this site important for Field Trials..

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Tools used to manage Field Trials

NFTS Nordic Field Trial Systems
Nordic Field Trial System is a system to elaborate experimental plans and data management in field trials.
From this page you have access to experimental plans, the location of the trials etc.

The SLU Fältforsk home page provides information about Swedish field experiments. Försökshandboken includes the current instructions on how to plan and carry out field trials.

Fellesutvalget for forsøksteknisk utstyr
Collaboration between Norsk Landbruksrådgiving (NLR), NIBIO and NMBU on how to carry out field trials. Both instructions for different types of field trials and mechanisation on field trials, including information about NFTS.

Presentation of results from Field Trials

At sortinfo, results from Danish variety trials are presented. The page is updated continuously as soon as the results are clear from the analyses.

SLU Fältforsk
The SLU Fältforsk home page presents results from Swedish field experiments.

At this page, you can search for results from Swedish crop variety trials.

Books reporting results from Swedish field trials can be downloaded from this page.

Fagforum Korn
Home page in collaboration between NLR and NIBIO presenting articles based on results from field trials.

Organizations that practice Field Trials

The Danish Technological Institute
The Danish Technological Institute conducts around 800 field trials annually in close collaboration with SEGES and regional trial units. One goal is to continuously develop the experimental methods and set new limits for how the Field Trials can provide more knowledge

Ytteborg was founded in 1996 with the purpose of perform both traditional “Landsforsøg®” and Soil and plant breeding experiments for private companies and others.

SLU Fältforsk
SLU Fältforsk is a joint body created by SLU and other organizations within the agricultural sector. SLU Fältforsk's main objective is to coordinate, develop and secure high quality agricultural field research in Sweden.

Hushållningssällskapet (The Rural Economy and Agricultural Societies)  is made up by 15 independent rural economy and agricultural societies in Sweden. Anyone who is interested in trials and is interested in developing agriculture can order trials from Hushållningssällskapet.

SLU Lövsta Field Research Station
SLU Lövsta Field Research Station runs many agricultural field trials close to Uppsala, Sweden. Most trials are connected to research projects at SLU, but external missions are also welcome.

SLU is responsible for Swedish crop variety testing.

Norsk institutt for bioøkonomi (NIBIO)
Norwegian Institute of Bioeconomy Research are responsible for NFTS in Norway and research and knowledge production through a high number of field trials. 

Norsk Landbruksrådgiving (NLR)
Norsk Landbruksrådgiving (Norwegian Agricultural Advisory Service ) is made up by 10 independent agricultural societies covering all of Norway. They are conducting most of the field trials in Norway, many trials are connected to research projects at NIBIO.