NFTN About
With this network, we want to initiate co-operation across the Nordic countries in method development, planning, execution, and statistical analysis of field trials. We want to innovate the working methods, automate the processes, challenge the classic analysis methods by inviting younger researchers and people with different backgrounds into the field trial ecosystem.
* Exchange of experience, current methods
* Insight into different workflows
* Overview of the field trial ecosystem
* Bilateral exchanges of ideas
* Initiation of various thematic groups
* Innovation in methods for field trials
* Automation of work processes (e.g. use of robots, sensors to monitor weather variability)
* Focus on precision agriculture and the use of various sensor systems mounted on e.g. drones or robots
* Focus on reducing emissions and climate calculation in field trials
* Processing of data from cross-border trials
* Collaboration on project application across national borders
Steering Committee
The activities in the network are coordinated in a collaboration between the Danish Technological Institute, SLU Feltförsk, NIBIO and SEGES.
Supportet by NKJ
The start-up of the Nordic Field Trial Network is supported by The Nordic Joint Committee for Agricultural and Food Research in 2023 - 2026. Subsidy from NKJ means that the network can reduce the participation fee and attract young researchers to the events, for which we are very grateful.